The Honey Culprits
Kids are like monkeys. At least that's the conclusion I've come to. That old saying; monkey see monkey do, definitely applies to children also. Not just young children, but children of all ages. See here, proof. My little girls reading and holding babies, two things they'll most often see me doing, if I'm able to sit down for a moment.
It seems that to be a parent who wants their child to develop good habits and be a become genuinely good person, can also mold the parent. Because kids don't; do as I say, not as I do, a sticky little saying so often heard in reference to children. No, they do as I do. If you've read my blog, or know me personally, you know I'm very in to healthful organic eating. Since I am finished with the exhaustion that comes with pregnancy after a decade straight, I've really been trying to take more steps in getting organic eating into motion full swing in our home.
One step has been to replace sugars with honey, in all my baking and cooking. Honey, healthy as it may be, has been the cause of my laughter several times today.
The first instance was at dinner when I almost fell out of my seat laughing. Let me first say that my children all, act quite like their mother and father. Remember; monkey see monkey do. In some ways that can be a good thing, but there are times where I wish that do as I say not as I do would come into play.
One of my kids' inherited traits, can be observed during mealtime at the table. My husband and I both being very creative/inventive people, always want to know how things work, -or- better yet what they're made of. If we go into a restaurant, and order an amazingly tasty dish, we pick it apart discussing what the ingredients are, so we can recreate it at home.
This afternoon, I baked a yummy ham for lunch, mashed potatoes, and a sweet gravy. I'm not the best cook, probably because I'm always improvising and experimenting, and today, I added honey to the gravy. Yes it seems weird, but I thought "They make honey glazed ham, so honey should be good in the gravy" This was one of the few experiments in my kitchen that has actually been successful.
Soooo, as we sat around the table at lunch, the kids all started to discuss and ask what was in the gravy. Remember monkey see monkey do. Of course I told them it was honey to which my 5 year old son, with his lisp excitedly replied "Wow mom, this is the only thing you've made with honey in it that was actually good!"
Thank you . . .son. :)
The second bout of honey laughter came a little later. After lunch, most of us napped, and then I set the kids on the task of afternoon chores so I could sit down at the computer and get a little work done. About half way through their chores child #1 came running into the room in question saying, "Mom? Somebody left the honey on the kitchen floor bla bla bla"
Having a rather large family, I purchase most things in bulk so the honey we use comes in a 1/2 gallon milk jug. After hearing the important details "1/2 gallon of sticky honey on the kitchen floor" I tuned out the rest, and headed toward the kitchen.
I assumed it was the doing of the 2 & 3 year old girls, and expected a huge mess. What a surprise when I arrived in the kitchen to see a sparkling clean floor with the jug of honey neatly sitting in the middle. "What's the big deal?" I thought, knowing there must be more than meets the eye. I investigated more closely, saw nothing but an open dishwasher door, so I began to close it and head out of the kitchen when I noticed something in the soap holder.
Yes, they had ever so neatly poured honey into both soap compartments in my dishwasher, replaced the lid and set the honey on the floor. There it is again, that little saying monkey see monkey do. Only thing is they used honey, not dish soap.
What did that do? you ask. Honestly, I don't know. It's Sunday, I needed to go to the store, and decided that the dishes (and the honey) could wait til tomorrow. I won't go into our shopping details, but they included a 2 year old throwing the groceries out of the cart as I tried not to laugh (mostly so I wouldn't look like an irresponsible mother) and an overly tired 3 year old who's sole mission was to make me look like a poor mother. These grumpy and mischievous pictures seem appropriate here:
Life is All Surreal. Some days you hit, some days you miss, don't let the bad days get you down. After all Tomorrow is another day.
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