Morning Sickness: HELP!
Top tips to ease morning sickness naturally from mom of 9
You feel horrible and it's NOT just in the morning. Here are a few tricks that may keep tht nausea at bay:
1. Eat, Eat, Eat! Keep your tummy full! This is the biggest thing that has helped me.
2. Keep crackers by your bedside for first thing in the morning. And a house full of easy on your stomach snacks you can eat throughout the day.
3. Ginger. My favorite is brewing a tea from fresh ginger root, fresh squeezed lemon & honey. But these ginger products may help as well and are easier for on the go moms.
4. Acupressure or Acupuncture. Or try these acupressure anti-nausea bracelets.
Watch this TikTok video for more
Watch on TikTok
Find help Morning Sickness Products on my Amazon Storefront
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