How (and when) to apply diaper cream

Top Question on my TikTok diaper change video: How (and when) to apply diaper cream.

My thoughts, as a mother of 9, who prefers a less is more approach.

1. Only use diaper creams when baby has a rash and need the protection.

2. Remove diaper, clean bum completely. Let bum dry completely. & Apply diaper cream ONLY to the areas that are red, inflamed, rash, etc.

3. If you are using cloth diapers it is important that the cream does not have zinc in it or it will create a water resistant layer in the diaper and the diaper will become less absorbent. 

A few great diaper cream options (that are also safe for cloth diapers): 

Some Preventative tips

1. Eliminate foods from diet that may be causing diaper rash

2. Try a new diaper - most disposables have chemicals to help with absorbency - your baby could be sensitive to these and a different diaper may help.

3. Cloth diaper users try a different detergent.

4. Change their diaper more frequently.

Check out this video on TikTok covering diaper cream application & rash prevention.


Find my favorite Baby Products on my Amazon Storefront

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Thank you for reading. 
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