Get Baby Sleeping Through the Night by 3 Months Old
There are not many products (or in this case books) that I swear by but the book BabyWise is one of them. And no they aren't paying me to say that!
I have used the methods from this book for 7 of my 8 children - those 7 kids slept like a dream early - some by 6 weeks old. I have re-read for baby number 9 and will be utilizing it's parent directed feeding and wake/sleep schedule to help baby start sleeping through the night early.
Watch this video to hear more and find the BabyWise book on Amazon here if you want to try it for ourself.
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What I love about BabyWise :
It is a balanced approach to feeding and schedule that takes both baby & mom's well-being into mind. Which is so different from the other feeding methods I've encountered, Demand feeding where baby eats whenever they want even if it's every 5 minutes. Or strict schedule feeding where baby only eats at scheduled times and must cry it out in between.
Babywise is a happy medium creating a flexible schedule that grows with baby using baby's cues to show mom when schedule needs to be slightly altered.
Find my favorite Baby Products on my Amazon Storefront
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