Doctor or Midwife? Hospital or Home birth? How to Choose!
A mother of 9 I have experienced traditional doctor delivery in the hospital, midwives in hospital birthing centers and am planning to have baby 9 with a midwife at home this month.
If your not sure how to choose who will care for you and baby there are a few key things to take into account:
Watch This TikTok for more info on how to choose.
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Pain Medication
This is one of the biggest deciding factors. Most people fall in 1 of 3 categories:
- Give me an epidural the moment I get to the hospital - I want to feel nothing
- If this is you I suggest a doctor delivery in the hospital
- No IV, no drugs, if you touch me with a needle you might get punched.
- A Midwife at home or a birthing center are great options for you
- I'd like to do a natural birth if I can - but I am open to pain meds should I need them
- Any of the options are good for you.
Insurance Coverage
Home births or birthing center births with a midwife are much less spendy than a hospital birth. And they are also a lot more upfront & transparent about their costs. But they can still run you several thousand dollars.
Prior to deciding where you will give birth and who will attend to you call your insurance and ask them what is covered. Will they cover a home birth? Will they cover a midwife? What percentage of the hospital birth will they cover? Are there procedures they won't cover and what are they?
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I hope this blog helps. Follow me on TikTok and/or Instagram for daily and weekly content from an Actress/Model/ Mother of 9 (yes I have 9 kids!) I share parenting, daily-life, home decor, along with pregnancy, baby and delivery tips and whatever else is currently happening in my life.
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