Do you Date your Spouse?!
Marriage is difficult no matter how well matched you are as a couple.
After 23 years of marriage and a LOT of struggles my husband and I have found that taking time to 'date' one another helps keep our love strong and growing.
"But I have kids" "There's not enough time" "We don't have the extra money"
May be running through your head after being told you should date your spouse. Guess what, me too!!! But happiness and quality of life and love matter. And the more in love you are with your spouse the better off your children will be.
So Here 4 of my top FREE marriage dates.
Most can be done at home. So put that baby down for a nap, lock your kids in a room with a new toy or game. (don't really lock them up, but you get my point) and find time for you!!
Top free marriage date #1 - Coffee date at home.
This is at the top of my list because it is the easiest. Get up before your kids on the weekend and have coffee together. No phones! Just the two of you. Sometimes we will do a devotional together as well, or even read out of a marriage book. But a simple cup of coffee (or tea) together and time to talk can do wonders.
Top free marriage date #2 - Movie Night.
Top free marriage date #3 - Go for a Walk.
This is my #1 favorite way to connect with my husband. It's not first on the list because it can be hard with young kids and no family nearby to get out of the house alone without hiring a sitter. But if your kids are old enough to stay home alone, or young enough to be in a stroller this is a great option! Locate some trails in your area and take time to reconnect in nature. Both nature and walking have been proven to clear our minds so there are great mental benefits (and physical) to this one as well.
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