Oh, the point of things...

It's funny how at certain points in our life we think we've got it all figured out. We think we know the answers - whether we believe in science, evolution, religion, or just mankind. But if each of us would truly step back and look at the larger scope of things, I think we would all be able to agree on one thing; man has never, and will never, know what the purpose of our life on earth.

I don't understand why we've been placed here, or what purpose our short lives have in the scope of eternity and the vastness of all that has been created (which is so much more than my mind can even begin to fathom) But I do know, that the way I act today, is going to effect somebody else tomorrow. Maybe that somebody is a close friend of mine, or a husband, wife, son or daughter. Or maybe they're just a stranger or a neighbor, or not even human at all. Maybe, they haven't even been born yet. Regardless - who I am and what I do, will make a difference in the lives of people that follow me.

That is a big responsibility, and it has so many hard choices. If life could just be full of absolutes and situations with clear outcomes, it would be so much easier. But from my experience, easy outcomes and easy lives generate boring, unimportant people. Every Biography I've ever read tells a story of a person who stood up in the face of defeat, or overcame against all odds, because they were passionate about something they believed in. They knew that their lives and their actions were going to effect those to follow, and they chose to make a difference in a way that mattered to them.

I don't want to waste my life away, wondering "what if...I'd pursued my passion?" "what if...I'd taken that risk?" Because you can never find the answer to a what if, but there will always be an outcome to an "I did". There is so much satisfaction in knowing that at least you tried, and even more when you don't give up. We only get to live life once, and I definitely want to live it to the fullest. I know I'll make mistakes, and I hope I can deal with the outcomes, but I'm not gonna sit around in fear of what those mistakes may be, cuz if I do, I'll likely never start living.

Life is All Surreal. Don't take it lightly - do something with it before it's gone.



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