Pure Joy

So often in life we allow the things around us to choke out the joy that can be experienced by simply being grateful for what we do have.

It always amazes me how easy it can be to get angry, frustrated, or grumpy about something - these aren't emotions that most of us have to strive to experience. My question is why then do we sometimes have to work so hard to experience happiness and joy?

I believe the answer for many people is we are trying to find happiness in the wrong things. Media would have us believe that that new boat, clean house, perfect body, or new hair treatment are going to make us happier than we will be just as we are. How many people out there have tried time and again to find happiness in worldly possessions and superficial looks just to wind up feeling empty once again looking for another item to fill that void.

True happiness is not something that you can buy, or even create - it's a choice. It's a choice to look at the good rather than the bad. It's the choice one makes in the morning not to notice how poorly the kids washed the table (and the dishes) but instead to sit back and enjoy them laughing and playing with one another as you drink that third cup of coffee. It's the choice to laugh at your husband wrestling with the 170lb puppy in the living room while the toddlers try desperately to join in to the fun, regardless of what else they should be doing. It's a conscious decision to tell yourself that everything will be okay even in the face of defeat, and the choice to push through regardless of what those around you are saying.

If there is one thing I learned long ago it was never to let the critics get to you - especially if you aren't living a typical life. People often get bored with their own lives, and rather than improve them, they will lash out at yours as a means of entertainment.

So...I challenge you this week whenever you begin to feel that overwhelming fear, anger, embarrassment - whatever your struggling emotion may be - take a deep breath and begin to remind yourself all the things you are thankful for, both large and small. And if you find your not enjoying life enough don't look outward to fill that void, look inside - figure out what desires you're suppressing and start pursuing your passions.

and remember...

Life is All Surreal. Dreams don't last forever, don't let yours pass away with out truly living.



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