Today I Turn 29
There is no better time than a birthday, to reflect on the person you have become throughout the duration of your life.

So Today, I am sharing who I am.
Lets start with this: I am me. I have no need, to try and be someone I'm not, because I am confident in who I am. My actions are not guided by the fear of what other people think. What I do, I do because it's part of who I am, and what I enjoy to be.
Make me smile & laugh, I'll be your friend.
Let me do the same for you, and you can be mine.
Hurt someone I love, become my enemy.
Treat me however you want. I won't judge, but your actions will reflect what you are inside.
Here's what I like:
*A good cup of coffee, any time of the day.
*Jack Johnson's Sleep Through the Static. If I'm tense, I hop in the car where this album never leaves the player, turn it up loud, drive, and de-stress.
*To be fit, physically and mentally. I hate to feel incapable of anything.
*Hard work. I love that sweet satisfaction of accomplishment at the end of the day.
*To be surrounded by good friends. Friends that last, are a precious thing. I'd take one good friend over a dozen others, any day.

*Family. They're yours forever, so you might as well make the time with them good.
*Laughing, loving, and being me, with my kids, my husband, and the ones I love.
I know there are, and will be, people who don't care so much for me, but I'm not living my life to please them. Most likely, I'm not to fond of them either.
We're all different, and we all have faults, I chose to believe so, and will dismiss them in hopes to find the good in another.
This is who I am. Take it, or leave it, whatever suits you best. Regardless of your thoughts, I am going to keep living, learning, and loving. In the hopes of being a better person each day.
Life is All Surreal. I wish it could last forever, but since it won't I choose to make the best of it while I can.
So Today, I am sharing who I am.
Lets start with this: I am me. I have no need, to try and be someone I'm not, because I am confident in who I am. My actions are not guided by the fear of what other people think. What I do, I do because it's part of who I am, and what I enjoy to be.
Make me smile & laugh, I'll be your friend.
Let me do the same for you, and you can be mine.
Hurt someone I love, become my enemy.
Treat me however you want. I won't judge, but your actions will reflect what you are inside.
Here's what I like:
*A good cup of coffee, any time of the day.
*Jack Johnson's Sleep Through the Static. If I'm tense, I hop in the car where this album never leaves the player, turn it up loud, drive, and de-stress.
*To be fit, physically and mentally. I hate to feel incapable of anything.
*Hard work. I love that sweet satisfaction of accomplishment at the end of the day.
*To be surrounded by good friends. Friends that last, are a precious thing. I'd take one good friend over a dozen others, any day.
*Family. They're yours forever, so you might as well make the time with them good.
*Laughing, loving, and being me, with my kids, my husband, and the ones I love.
I know there are, and will be, people who don't care so much for me, but I'm not living my life to please them. Most likely, I'm not to fond of them either.
We're all different, and we all have faults, I chose to believe so, and will dismiss them in hopes to find the good in another.
This is who I am. Take it, or leave it, whatever suits you best. Regardless of your thoughts, I am going to keep living, learning, and loving. In the hopes of being a better person each day.
Life is All Surreal. I wish it could last forever, but since it won't I choose to make the best of it while I can.
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