This evening my children have gone to stay at their grandmothers. Enough said, tonight's blog will be short. It's amazing how when in the midst of chaos, all seems normal. Now though, in the peace in quiet, I realize how tiring it can, emotionally and physically be to raise seven children. EVERYTHING must be done in multiples.
I can't make just one cup of hot chocolate if I have a craving.
Overnight stays involve me packing or checking 9 bags. (yes my husband still needs his bag checked.:)
You don't want to know what a simple bike ride involves.

I can't make just one cup of hot chocolate if I have a craving.
I am not complaining, I love my kids, and can hardly stand to be apart from them, yet there are several things this evening I have enjoyed.
A bath. Be assured I bathe daily, yet today I was able to lay in a hot tub and relax!
Generally I'm interrupted by kids who suddenly have an emergency and must use the toilet, (we only have one). Or there are the younger girls who think bath time is playtime. So they hover above me asking if I want them to "help wash", or stating "I take bath" while standing clothe less, one foot already stepping into the tub. And while these are moments I will long cherish, I am enjoying the mindlessness of self while it lasts.
Dinner. Now dinner at the table with a large family is fun. After dinner though, is a headache. I refuse to be the only one to cook and clean while EVERYONE eats. But to get all to help clean the kitchen after a big meal is like pulling teeth. Tonight, there were only 4 dishes to clean! Woohoo! AND I ate on the couch, watching a movie, without missing ANY of what was being said.
I took a 2 hour nap, and when I woke up. . . The house was still clean!
Earlier in the day I left some magazines, and all my favorite bath lotions on the side of the tub,(I'm going to get in as many baths as possible in the next 24 hours) when I returned to the bathroom, . . . All was still in tact, no lotions emptied on the floor, or onto the head of a younger sibling. Ahhhhhh.
For the rest of the night, Cheesecake, Movies, Writing, and Relaxation with my husband. When I go to bed, I'm going to sleep until I wake up on my own and even then, maybe just maybe I'll go back to sleep until the kids come home.
Life is All Surreal. Live it, enjoy it, and love those around you. But, remember if you don't take care of yourself you can't at all give your loved ones the attention they need.
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