Photography from a 9 year old

Wow! Sometimes kids amaze me. The other day, I caught my 2 year old daughter and dog in the cutest position by the front door. I ran to grab the camera, came back, and they wouldn't reposition.

I left the camera there, hoping to walk back through the living room and find them there again.

A few minutes passed and our oldest child, a 9 year old girl walked into the kitchen (were I feel I live), handed me the camera, and said "Mom, I got them to get back in position". She was watching me, and knew what I wanted, so with much patience she coaxed them back to where they were, and got me the shot I wanted. What a sweet heart.

Look at the pictures she took, all alone, no help:

Life is All Surreal. Be sure to stop and smell the roses every once in a while.


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