Caught in the act
One does as one will, when they don't know they are being watched. Surely there isn't a person alive that doesn't make the occasional face in the mirror, or belt out a tune at the top of their voice completely off key. I know you've gone digging for gold, and probably even pretended to be someone you're not, speaking the lines of another, all while in the privacy of your own home -or car- if that be your secret stage.

If you haven't? Well then I'm a little off, but I guess variety of personality is what makes the world go round.
Today was a little more event full than my usual cleaning filled Fridays. It began with a trip to the department store to exchange a set of sheets that came in a queen size regardless of the tag saying California King. On my way out the front door of my home I was met by my mother. A meeting which was followed by a whole slew of events.
Mom was headed to an estate sale just up the road from me, and stopped to buy some time (she's always early). After chatting it was decided she would take 3 of my 7 children with her, and when the rest of the children and I were done at the store I would return to her house and pick up the others. Both of us gathered our designated kids and headed off.
Shopping is one thing that always seems to take much longer than it should. Because of this I didn't end up arriving at mom's until almost noon, so we decided to stay and eat lunch with her, rather than go home and clean, which I was just itching to do. (Please hear a sarcastic note in my voice as I state my desire to clean).
My sister happened to be at mom's today, relaxing after the hard work of moving into a new home, which she had just purchased. Of course being sisters we had to visit, and look at mom's most recent snapshots. This reminded me I needed a few pictures for a project I'm working on, and led to my searching of Mom's albums for just the right pics.
After that I decided to visit the newest home in our family, which is where I was when I received a phone call from my father. Dad called to tell me that a friend of his was also moving and had a bed for one of my children. I told him I wasn't home, but they could drop the bed off at my house before I got back.
Upon returning home the bed wasn't there, and I decided we might as well try to get a little cleaning done, after all today is cleaning day. So as always I picked my favorite jazz play list, turned the volume up loud and began to clean.
Consequently I don't find cleaning in itself to be a very enjoyable task, which is why I play loud music. This is not all I do to make scrubbing filth more entertaining. I also love to sing, so I belt out every song word for word, and often I dance along with whatever cleaning tool I am using at that particular moment.
This afternoon, I was working hard at the task of making my bed, (the new set of sheets fit just right!). There was a wonderful jazz/salsa song on, so I was singing loud and salsa dancing with the sheets, and occasionally with my 3 year old daughter. (Yes my poor children have inherited my quirky '"at home" habits.)
The song came to an end, and feeling good about my performance, I stepped out of the room, into the living room where low and behold there it was, the bed that my fathers friend was dropping by.
Evidently my music (and singing) were so loud, I could not hear guests at the door. And as I had told them in the case of my absence to let themselves in, they were simply following my instructions by doing so. Never did I, or the 7 cleaning kids see or hear them. I have this little feeling in my gut though that they saw (and heard) me. What a sight it must have been, a twenty something year old woman, singing her heart out dancing with a sheet in her bedroom as if I were on a stage at some night club.
Poor things, they were probably too scared to tell me they were there, knowing I would be incredibly embarrassed, for I was acting like a complete fool. So instead they quietly and politely set the bed down, then walked out the door returning to where they had come from.
Oh well! I've never hid the fact that I'm a terrible dancer, and anybody who truly knows me would tell you I'm weird. As for putting on a show to an audience I didn't know was there? There is an upside. No stage fright.
Life is All Surreal. Embrace all your quirks, knowing that someday you'll be found out by someone when you least expect it.

If you haven't? Well then I'm a little off, but I guess variety of personality is what makes the world go round.
Today was a little more event full than my usual cleaning filled Fridays. It began with a trip to the department store to exchange a set of sheets that came in a queen size regardless of the tag saying California King. On my way out the front door of my home I was met by my mother. A meeting which was followed by a whole slew of events.
Mom was headed to an estate sale just up the road from me, and stopped to buy some time (she's always early). After chatting it was decided she would take 3 of my 7 children with her, and when the rest of the children and I were done at the store I would return to her house and pick up the others. Both of us gathered our designated kids and headed off.
Shopping is one thing that always seems to take much longer than it should. Because of this I didn't end up arriving at mom's until almost noon, so we decided to stay and eat lunch with her, rather than go home and clean, which I was just itching to do. (Please hear a sarcastic note in my voice as I state my desire to clean).
My sister happened to be at mom's today, relaxing after the hard work of moving into a new home, which she had just purchased. Of course being sisters we had to visit, and look at mom's most recent snapshots. This reminded me I needed a few pictures for a project I'm working on, and led to my searching of Mom's albums for just the right pics.
After that I decided to visit the newest home in our family, which is where I was when I received a phone call from my father. Dad called to tell me that a friend of his was also moving and had a bed for one of my children. I told him I wasn't home, but they could drop the bed off at my house before I got back.
Upon returning home the bed wasn't there, and I decided we might as well try to get a little cleaning done, after all today is cleaning day. So as always I picked my favorite jazz play list, turned the volume up loud and began to clean.
Consequently I don't find cleaning in itself to be a very enjoyable task, which is why I play loud music. This is not all I do to make scrubbing filth more entertaining. I also love to sing, so I belt out every song word for word, and often I dance along with whatever cleaning tool I am using at that particular moment.
This afternoon, I was working hard at the task of making my bed, (the new set of sheets fit just right!). There was a wonderful jazz/salsa song on, so I was singing loud and salsa dancing with the sheets, and occasionally with my 3 year old daughter. (Yes my poor children have inherited my quirky '"at home" habits.)
The song came to an end, and feeling good about my performance, I stepped out of the room, into the living room where low and behold there it was, the bed that my fathers friend was dropping by.
Evidently my music (and singing) were so loud, I could not hear guests at the door. And as I had told them in the case of my absence to let themselves in, they were simply following my instructions by doing so. Never did I, or the 7 cleaning kids see or hear them. I have this little feeling in my gut though that they saw (and heard) me. What a sight it must have been, a twenty something year old woman, singing her heart out dancing with a sheet in her bedroom as if I were on a stage at some night club.
Poor things, they were probably too scared to tell me they were there, knowing I would be incredibly embarrassed, for I was acting like a complete fool. So instead they quietly and politely set the bed down, then walked out the door returning to where they had come from.
Oh well! I've never hid the fact that I'm a terrible dancer, and anybody who truly knows me would tell you I'm weird. As for putting on a show to an audience I didn't know was there? There is an upside. No stage fright.
Life is All Surreal. Embrace all your quirks, knowing that someday you'll be found out by someone when you least expect it.
ReplyDeleteThe picture of you and your sister, dancing salsa hearing the song is so sweet. Have a nice day! Italo.