I'm Here
Don't just be. Live! Enjoy every moment before it passes. In the midst of a growing business, 7 children to raise, many pets and pursuit of time for myself, I've found humor will never be overrated. I have pages full of odd and funny moments in life. It's time to share what I've enjoyed in the experience of life. In every offbeat thing, there is some joy or bit of humor. Cling to these, not anger, not frustration. Happiness is a choice, contentment is a decision. When it comes to money and possessions, enough is never enough, there is always more to seek. BUT if you can learn to be content and thank full with what you have, more joy will be given to you.
Oh, and yes this is a picture of my son "swimming" in the toilet. Terrible thing I'm sure to take a picture of a child, and afterwards scold them on how they should never, never , never again try to swim in the toilet. But it's a memory I'll now never forget, and one I'm sure he'll wish I had as he gets older.
Remember life is all surreal, enjoy every moment of it.
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